Teaching Use of English

When it comes to teaching the Use of English the students will have to understand the language very well because they will eventually do an exam which has different parts that we will now mention.

Part 1 tests your level of vocabulary

Multiple Choice Cloze
Here the student will read a text with 8 gaps that they will have to fill in from a choice of four (A, B, C or D).

Here they should look at the text before and after the gap and if they don’t know the answer they should always make a guess. When checking their answers, they should make sure that they know why their option is correct and the other three are wrong.

On this part there are:

Here they will have to identify a correct word from a selection of similar words that match another word.

Here they will have to identify common collocations, words that go together like:
You make the bed
You do your homework

Phrasal Verbs
Here they will need to look out for missing verbs or prepositions

Phrases and Expressions
Here you will need to be able to identify common collocations; those are words that go together like:
‘on no account
‘hold your breath

Linking words
Here they will have to know the difference between the common linking words used in English like:

Part 2 Open Cloze

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